Wednesday, January 24, 2018


How did you first find your way into photography?
Did you have an idea of what you wanted to photograph/style at first or did it take a while?
How do you selcect the patterns that you photograph. What catches your eye?
Anywhere in the universe, where would you photograph? (Lame question, I know)
What makes you chose if a picture should be in color or in black and white

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Free Shoot

Week 2 Goals n' stuff

Complete editing the photos I took at the Falstaff Brewery and get them posted. I already have 5 that I am going to post for the free shoot, but other will still be posted. I plan to work on, but not finish the painting recreation project and completing the written assignment.

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Week One Goals & Ideas for Painting Recreation.

Get all the projects planned. Get all ideas for each one written down, or at least in my head. Get a list of everything that needs to be bought, contact people who could model. Possibly on the weekend I can start getting things shot, but more than likely that will start next week. I will start and possibly finish the file formats assignment.

As for the Painting Recreation project I've got a few in mind. Here they are in order of how much I want to do them (most to least)

Please email me ( if any of these do or don't work.